Be a Retirement Revolutionist! – Living a Rich and Fulfilling Life Long Beyond Your Career with guest Andy Robin
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Today we are going to discuss how to lead an interesting, rich, and fulfilling LIFE in retirement. Our guest today is Andy Robin. He’s the talented author of “The Tapas Life. A Rich and Rewarding Life After Your Long Career.” Andy is all about re-defining retirement. He’s a Retirement Revolutionist!
“You could be retired for decades — so you might as well get good at it!”

If you get to 65, with some care you’re likely to live another 20 to 25 years or more. This book can help you get good at living those years well. And it’s different from other “retirement” books. I call it “TAPAS LIFE”because, like the small dishes of Spain that make up a tasty meal, having a variety of activities and ways of being that are all to your liking make for a rich and rewarding life.

Click Here to learn more about how you can live the life you have always imagined in retirement.
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