How to survive as a survivor from the loss of a suicide. A heartwarming story that informs listeners effective ways to plan for death when it comes to our investments, assets, and income with guest Jonathan Herbruck
CLICK HERE to listen to the episode!
Beginning in March 2020, the COVID-19
pandemic and response, which included physical distancing and stay-at-home
orders- disrupted daily life in the United States and around the world. Not a
week passes without a story in the press about the impact of the pandemic on
Our guest today is Jonathan Herbruck a certified financial planner
and expert in wealth management, who specializes in preservation of his
clients’ assets. Johnathan, who is also a dear friend of mine, lost his son
Andrew to suicide. I asked Johnathan to join us today with the intention of
informing us on the reality of suicide, while also providing insight on how to best
protect ourselves from financial demise.
Help is Available: Speak to someone today at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255

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