The Inside Scoop- Everything you may still want to know about the global pandemic
CLICK HERE to listen to the episode!
- Is there a light at the end of the
tunnel? - What will the new norm for our future
look like? - International travel in your retirement
years; what can you do to stay healthy? - We are about to enter our third year
of coexisting with this deadly virus. What is the one thing we may not be aware
Our guest today is Dr. Jonathan Baktari a physician who
specializes in internal, pulmonary, and critical care medicine. Johnathan is a
CEO at e7 Health and a vaccine and Covid-19 expert whose ultimate achievement
in life is helping others. He is joining us today to share his expertise and to
help remove some of the emotion surrounding the Covid equation by sharing the

Learn more about Johnathan and the Covid facts by clicking the link below

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